Where is Bora Bora map?

Where is Bora Bora located on the Map | World map

where is Bora Bora located on the map?
Bora Bora is an island in Persian Polynesia. It is part of the Leeward Islands, Tahiti, and the Society Islands, and the western part of France Polynesia. it is a small group of islands in the Leeward Islands. It was discovered in 1722 and is the most beautiful island on the planet. Bora Bora is made up of the French Polynesian Society of the Leeward Islands. The island’s production is largely sourced from the sea and from the abundant coconut trees that have historically been of economic importance for copra production. Its main attraction is the western part of the archipelago, which is located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.
It has a total land area of ​​30.55 km2 (12 sq mi). this main island, located about 230 kilometers northwest of Papeete, is surrounded by a barrier wall. The island is surrounded by a lagoon and a barrier reef.
The island is about 2,600 miles south of Hawaii and 160 miles northwest of Tahiti. In the center of the island is part of an extinct volcano, which has risen to two peaks, Mount Otemanu and Mount Pahia; Its highest point is 727 meters (2,385 feet). The France languages ​​are Tahitian and French. Due to the high tourist population, many in this have learned to speak indigenous languages.
Fiji is a country in the South Pacific with more than 300 islands where Vanua Levu and VT Levu are the most visited. It is already a small south-Pacific island northwest of Tahiti and is technically considered part of French Polynesia. It is an island in the Leeward Group

where is Bora Bora located on the map shown through the Google map?


France is the top tourist destination:

For additional information about the Bora Bora Islands and their most fascinating history, visit here.

4 thoughts on “Where is Bora Bora located on the Map | World map”

  1. Pingback: Where is Bora Bora Map | French Polynesia

  2. Pingback: Bora Bora Tourist Attractions | Things to Do

  3. Pingback: French Polynesia Tourist Attractions | Top Attractions

  4. Pingback: Bora Bora on a World Map | French Polynesia - Touristfield.com

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